
11月 25, 2012の投稿を表示しています
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Millions of people on three continents, from London to Caracas, from Liverpool to Los Angeles

去年の3月11日なにしてた VICTIMS MAY BE LESS Millions of people on three continents, from London to Caracas, from Liverpool to Los Angeles, have heard the evidence in “Earthquake Prediction: Answers in Plain Sight”— on television and radio, in newspapers and magazines.  It’s an important message for the immense populations along the US and Canadian west coasts, and the Mississippi River Valley. Earthquake Prediction attempts to answer those questions, by connecting the interlocking parts of a scientific detective story that ranges from the steppes of Russia, to the jungles of Central America, and back to the San Andreas, Cascadia and New Madrid Fault Zones in the US and Canada. Remarkable evidence concerning what has been hypothesized about quake prediction--from as early as antiquity to the present--gives a thought-provoking overview of how this topic has remained in scientific limbo for so many centuries. This is the book that calls for the first steps to be taken toward the creation of