木曜日, 3月 10

11 march 2011 Japan Tohoku. Earthquake and tsunami: prediction online TRON MCP. Blog video: IT campus

11 march 2011 Japan Tohoku. Earthquake and tsunami: prediction online TRON MCP. Blog video: IT campus

MARCH 2011 JAPAN earthquake, tsunami TOHOKU - prediction CMP TRON

TRON technology is designed to predict in real-time
date, power, and the earthquake's epicenter. For mathematical and statistical
analysis using a single database (DB) on the behavior of poultry, fish and
animals, is filled with Internet users.
Information to process the database is available directly
on the site as TRON, and users of social networking and Internet services
(Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Yahoo, Skype, etc.) from the earthquake-prone
areas. With the help of special API (application programming interface)
applications, they can provide data on themselves as social services,
and using plug-ins to other sites.

Families living in earthquake-prone areas, to adjust their
plans need to be informed about the occurrence of earthquake prediction.
Also, this information will be useful to visitors from other regions such
as reduces the likelihood of risk to be in the earthquake. It is possible
that among municipal and state employees, a site with a probabilistic
forecast of the date, strength, and the epicenter of future earthquake
will cause some interest. Using TRON reduces casualties among people at
89.3%, reduces the economic consequences of earthquakes by 31.4% and increases
the effectiveness of preventive measures at 40.4%.

PS Japanese
Consulate in Vladivostok
, the NHC
office in Vladivostok
, corporation Yahoo
, declined to discuss the technology. Why? The
author (ainu Russia)
does not know. Ask yourself
from them.
Such an attitude toward people in Russian is called "PIZDA
white shoes
". In English: MONDAy.

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