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Today, six months have passed after the earthquake, March 11, 2011. Twitter sent.

Today, six months have passed after the earthquake, March 11, 2011. Twitter sentAnd then the Twitter has blocked my account  @Yahooyandex.  Thank you for taking care of Twitter people, though you'll be richer by one of my account.  Forbes accepted request to contest startups


  Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no


   11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist japanese-earthquake.blogspot.com/2011/09/japane…

   11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no.

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no.


   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist  And today, no.

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist.  And today, no.

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist.  And today, no.

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist.  And today, no.

   Victims 11 03 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist.  And today, no.

   Victims 11 03 2011 could be less But TRON in Japan did not exist.  And today, no.


 Victims 11 03 2011 could be less. But TRON in Japan did not exist.  And today, no.

 Victims 11 03 2011 could be less. But Tron in Japan did not exist. And today, no.
 Japan Today 

World › Bomb at U.S. base in Afghanistan injures 77 Americans: Nearly 80 American soldiers were wounded and two ... 

Japan earthquake 11 марта 2011 года - 20.000 смертей. Жертв могло быть меньше, но TRON не работал. 



キャンパる:インタビュー・会いたい人 動物の異常行動による地震予知を研究、麻布大学教授・太田光明さん

Онлайн технология прогноза землетрясений

The Top 500 Japanese Words: Ranked by how often they appear on the Internet.

Beginning in 1995, humanity can accurately predict the location, time and strength of earthquakes.

日本では地震の予知 - TRON - Technology Real-time Online Nucleus


Japanese earthquake predicting - evolution «Technology Real-time Online Nucleus»

14:47 11-03-2011 去年の3月11日なにしてた 船長の右側を航行しない理由は、私は、思ったか?そして地震の時、場所および強度を予測する技術を思い付いた。

Vladimir Keilis-Borok
